Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Empire of Dirt

It looks like giant mole came burrowing under the highline yesterday. On my way down the road yesterday to the kids to school this guy pulls up beside my truck and waves for me to roll down the window. He works for Texas Drainage and they are cutting out the ditches (never under estimate the importance of a good drainage ditch) and he wants to know if I need any dirt can they dump some on our property. I didn't realize how much "some" dirt means. When I came home for lunch they told me that they had dropped of one load, this load. If I hadn't come home they would have dropped off another four or five. It will take me quite a bit a time to move all this. Most will be used to fill they road, although it would be a good idea to mix in some gravel. The rest I guess we will use as a base for our raised beds.


  1. All you need to complete the picture is a giant mole head sculpture to plunk at the end of the earthen row. Glad you came home before the rest of the deliveries!

    Christine in Alaska

  2. HAHAHA! Wow! Yes, a definition of "some" would be good. So many pay for good fill, though. Good save!

  3. One load, what a bunch of BS. Where did the dirt come from? If they can't confirm that it's clean fill, don't use it for food production and send them an invoice. It looks like they dumped it on an access road as well.

  4. they put the dirt on the highline, which is where the power lines run not really a road, where i told them too. I know where the dirt came from it is pretty hard to miss the massive holes they dug. I would have thought that it was more than one load if I hadn't watched them dumping other loads on the ranch down the road that agreed to take the rest. Maybe I should leave it and plunk a big sculpted mole head on one end.
